
Actorius Innovations and Research Co.

We are a research and development company focused on creating novel bio materials that have critical applications in the life science, drug delivery and medical diagnostics field.

Mission and Vision :

To advance and improve human health by developing biomedical innovations

Actorius Innovations and Research Pvt Ltd. (India) :

Incorporated in 2013 and is the only company to receive approval form Drug Controller General, India ( DCGI ) to manufacture, Distribute and Conduct CTC tests.

Actorius Innovations and Research  Company :

Incorporated in 2018 in California, USA and conducting research and clinical trials for CTC Dialysis,

OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy

Our proprietary platform – OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy is a highly specific and sensitive test that can detect, capture and enumerate Circulating Tumor Cells in very low volume of blood.

This is India’s first indigenously developed, patented in-vitro diagnostic test to get DCG(I) approval for marketing in India.

OncoDialysis®– CTC Dialysis

Removing of Circulating Tumor Cells using high performance, safer, specific, affinity based immunomagnetic system filters from the cancer patients blood followed by reinfusion of patient’s blood prelude to dialysis system.

Removal of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) from blood will increase the Over-all Survival with or without other treatments.

Novel Drug Delivery Systems

Formulating oral and other pharmaceutically important drug delivery systems, including controlled drug release formulations, gastro retention, transdermal and GI imaging systems.