Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What kind of cancers are detected by this test?

The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can detect CTCs originating from Epithelial Cancers (Carcinomas). Some major Carcinomas are Head & Neck, Breast, Lung, Colorectal, Prostate, Cervical etc. These constitute more than 70% of all the Cancers of the world.

The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test DOES NOT detect Sarcoma, Melanoma, Lymphoma and Leukemia. Please contact us or ask your doctor if you qualify for this test.

How do I know if I should test myself with the OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test?

Patients diagnosed with epithelial cancers. The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can be used to understand the spread of cancer in such patients.

Patients undergoing therapy. The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can be used to monitor CTC levels in patients undergoing therapy to understand the effectiveness of the therapy.

Patients in remission. The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can be used to monitor CTC levels in patients to detect cancer relapse at the earliest stage.

Patients with suspected but undetectable epithelial cancers. In many cases, doctors may suspect a cancer due to symptoms or preliminary testing but may not be able to conclusively diagnose a cancer. The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can be used to detect presence of cancer cells in the blood as conclusive evidence of metastasis.

Healthy Persons. A vast majority of people are diagnosed with a cancer only after they start showing symptoms. In many such cases the cancer is diagnosed to be in advanced stage. The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test can detect cancer at an early stage and mitigate the risk of advancement of cancer.

Is the OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test safe?

The OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test is a simple and safe blood test.

In medical terms, it is an in-vitro diagnostic test, which is essentially tests done on samples such as blood taken from human body.

The test requires withdrawing a low volume (5ml) of blood from the patient. The blood will be withdrawn by a trained phlebotomist or a nurse.

The blood sample is then sent to our laboratory for testing.

How often should I get myself tested?

We recommend testing once every 3 months to understand the real time status of the cancer in your body.

For patients who are currently undergoing therapy, the Oncologist will decide timepoint and frequency of testing.

What preparations do I need to do to get myself tested?

There are NO special preparations required for getting tested. You do not need to fast, stop any medicine or avoid any food before the test.

No cancer cells were found in my body after the test. Am I cancer free?

If no cancer cells were detected by the OncoDiscover® Liquid Biopsy Test, it only means that at present cancer cells are not present in your bloodstream. A cancer cell which may be dormant currently may express itself later. It is essential to continuously monitor the status of cancer.

Cancer cells were found in my body after the test. What should I do?

Approach your Oncologist with the test results. Only an Oncologist is qualified to decide on the course of action based on the test results.

What kind of therapy should I undergo based on the test results?

Only an Oncologist is qualified to decide on the course of action based on the test results. We will not offer any consultation or advice on cancer therapy.

Can this test predict onset of cancer in the future?

This test is a real time test of cancer status in the body. This test does not determine the future status of cancer.

Where is this test available?

This test is currently available only in Pune, India. Patients have to visit our testing center for blood withdrawal. The test is expected to be available all over India in the next few months.